First I'd like to say Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this short blog. When you finish, it would be great if you would take a quick look through the rest of this site. I have put a lot of time into getting it running to let every one in on my life and what it is God has put on my heart to do! I feel I am called to minister to people all over the world! It all starts here on this site, and you are a part of that.

On this site I am not looking to bring you a new revelation or great philosophy, but rather the 
only true and original revelation of God we have been given. His name is Jesus!

I have had a couple rough years since my time in Austin, TX. I have been struggling with many 
hurts and pains, false ideas, and feelings of lack. Its been hard at times to see any hope in life 
and my joy levels have really taken a hit. However, I have been reminded of my life in Christ! 
Reminded of HIS joy and HIS life! Reminded that he took all of who I was (hurts, pains, 
insecurities, and lack) and killed it on the cross in his own body! I am ecstatic to be reminded yet 
again of the death that occurred killing off all false mindsets and bringing life to the dessert land! 
I have been resurrected with him to life. I can no longer stay silent about my beliefs. I am too in 
love with Jesus to continue holding myself back from preaching the good news in fear of 
appearing as if I am striving, or fear of judgement of my theology. I have no theology! I have 

I will be writing blogs on a pretty consistent basis and will also have guest writers a couple times 
a month. I have a lot to say, and feel like my voice has been given to me for a reason. I find so 
much joy in seeing people awakened to the goodness of God. There is so much delight in 
preaching the finished work of the cross! It is offensive and it brings out all of our wrong thinking. 
But, this is a good thing! Being wrong is a gift from God! It shows us that no matter our theology, 
it is only in Him that we find truth. It is in Christ we were formed and it is in Christ that we live 
and move and have our being.

Please help by reading and sharing these blogs with your friends and family! People are looking 
for truth and they need to know that the truth (Jesus) has found them! It is this very good news 
that is being preached and is bringing people joy all around the globe! 

In addition to blogging about the good news, I am in the process of starting a children's home in 
the Philippines, which I will be sharing more about later. I am available for speaking 
engagements everywhere, so if you'd like me to come visit your church or home to speak, I am 
available and willing. Please contact me through the contact section on this site (above). 

With LOVE, Marten